Beatrix is a MiniDV short film that was released in 2005 by Axed Productions and is the debut short film written and directed by Jeff Axtman. The musical score was arranged by Foolchild (Jason Axtman) and the music soundtrack was provided by Fuzzy Lounge Recordings and the artists Beat Collision. Beatrix was honored and viewed at the 2005 Hollywood DV Film Festival.
# “One More Glance”
Written by Jason Axtman and M.C. Kimmel
Performed by Beat Collision
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Plot Summary:
Every day is the same for Jack — breakfast at the corner diner in the same booth, day in and day out. Wallowing in his own self-doubt and eccentricity, Jack secretly hopes for some escape from his loneliness. Until one fateful day… A spunky waitress named Beatrix shows up, and Jack is never the same again.
Soundtrack Listing:
# “Greek Methods”
Written by Matt Lord
Performed by Eastern Parallel
# “My Passion”
Written by Jason Axtman
Performed by Foolchild
# “Tickle”
Written by M.C. Kimmel
Performed by Beat Collision
# “Suggestion”
Written by Jason Axtman
Performed by Foolchild
# “No Idea”
Written by Jason Axtman and M.C. Kimmel
Performed by Beat Collision
# “Knightmares”
Written by M.C. Kimmel
Performed by Krazy K.
# “One More Glance”
Written by Jason Axtman and M.C. Kimmel
Performed by Beat Collision
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
For your viewing pleasure, here is the film in its entirety… Make some popcorn and enjoy!