JoelRoberts at Tech Beats wrote a great article on the theory of EQ and how it applies to DJs. I think he nailed it. So many times when listening to DJs you either hear a forced fast transition to avoid EQ issues or you hear a really bad “train-wreck” of similar frequencies, sometimes forcing a low end clipping. They can be the best beat matcher in the world, and have perfect pitch, but if they cannot understand the relationship of the sounds in their records to one another the mix and overall energy on the dance floor will truly suffer. I agree with Joel when you hear a great DJ mix (on vinyl, CDJs, or software) often they really get the relationship of sounds and how best to adjust the EQ to make two songs into a new one while mixing. A couple DJs that come to mind as masters of this art for me are Sasha, DJ Bossi (Cosmic Gate), Satoshi Tomiie, and Armin Van Buuren, and Eric Morillo.
Check out this excerpt from the article and click the link below for the full read.
How To EQ: A comprehensive Guide for DJs by Joel Roberts
“This is a comprehensive guide into the fine art of EQing, primarily for the use of DJs. Every mixer comes fitted with an EQ; it’s one of a DJ’s core tools and understanding how to use it properly is paramount to mastering the art of mixing. We’ll discuss how a DJ uses the EQ whilst mixing, by giving you an essential foundation understanding of the science behind equalising and why it is so necessary. Don’t let that phase you though, the concepts are simple and there’ll be no need for textbooks.” …
nice post!
thanks brother!