I am excited to share that our good DJ friend and colleague – Victor Menegaux has started an amazing radio program on KNHC – C89.5 FM Seattle, WA called Database. The radio show airs every Tuesday evening from 11pm-1am. It features the best music in the indie alternative dance scene.
If Tuesday nights are hard for you to get to a radio, don’t worry. Database Radio has the sets streaming online at www.databaseradio.fm. Also the programs are available for download and the setlists are displayed for each Tuesday so the listener can see what artists, songs and remixes are being featured.
As many of you know, I have been really getting into this genre of music for the past 2 years, so to see artists like Madeon, Neon Indian, Grum and Futurecop! get FM air play makes me very happy!
Check it out!
Loving it! Victor Mix in full effect.